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1]J. Yang, X. Chu, H. Gao, P. Wang, G. Deng, Z. Yin, and H. Lu, “Fully Electronically Phase Modulation of Millimeter-Wave Via Comb Electrodes and Liquid Crystal,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.20, no. 3, pp. 342-345,2021.

[2]Y. Li, L. Xu, J. Yang*, G. Deng, Z. Yin, X. Li, and X. Wang, “TM-polarized angle-dispersive metasurface for axisymmetric extension of beam steering angles,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 3211, 2021.

[3]G. Deng, K. Lv, H. Sun, J. Yang*, Z. Yin, B. Chi, and X. Li, “An ultra-broadband and optically transparent metamaterial absorber based on multilayer indium-tin-oxide structure,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 54, no. 16, pp. 165301, 2021.

[4]A. Zheng, X. Xia, S. Gao, J. Yang*, H. Lu, G. Deng, and Z. Yin, “Dielectric properties of two high birefringence liquid crystal mixtures in the Sub-THz band,” Liquid Crystals, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 83-88, 2020.

[5]J. Yang, P. Wang, S. Sun, Y. Li, Z. Yin, and G. Deng, “A Novel Electronically Controlled Two-Dimensional Terahertz Beam-Scanning Reflectarray Antenna Based on Liquid Crystals,” Frontiers in Physics, vol. 8, 2020.

[6]J. Yang, S. Gao, P. Wang, Z. P. Yin, H. B. Lu, W. E. Lai, Y. Li, and G. S. Deng, “Design and Experimental Verification of a Liquid Crystal-Based Terahertz Phase Shifter for Reconfigurable Reflectarrays,” Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 665-674, Jun, 2020.

[7]J. Yang, H. B. Cao, H. Y. Fang, W. E. Lai, G. H. Shi, G. S. Deng, Z. P. Yin, F. Cai, and Y. Li, “Reflectance-tunable terahertz polarization reflector using indium tin oxide,” Optics Communications, vol. 460, Apr, 2020.

[8]S. Y. Sun, X. Yu, P. J. Wang, C. F. Wan, J. Yang*, Z. Yin, G. Deng, and H.-B. Lu, “Electronically Tunable Liquid-Crystal-Based F-Band Phase Shifter,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 151065-151071, 2020.

[9]G. S. Deng, T. X. Zhao, Z. P. Yin, and J. Yang*, “Graphene-based wavelength demultiplexing structure,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 903-907, Jun, 2020.

[10]G. S. Deng, K. Lv, H. X. Sun, Y. Hong, X. Y. Zhang, Z. P. Yin, and J. Yang*, “Wideband absorber based on conductive ink frequency selective surface with polarization insensitivity and wide-incident-angle stability,” Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, vol. 10, Jun, 2020.

[11]G. Deng, T. Zhao, Z. Yin, Y. Li, and J. Yang*, “Comb-Shaped Graphene Nanoribbon Bandpass Filter,” J Nanosci Nanotechnol, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 7577-7582, Dec 1, 2020.

[12]G. Deng, H. Sun, K. Lv, J. Yang*, Z. Yin, and B. Chi, “An efficient wideband cross-polarization converter manufactured by stacking metal/dielectric multilayers via 3D printing,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 127, no. 9, pp. 093103, 2020.

[13]G. Deng, K. Lv, H. Sun, Z. Yin, and J. Yang*, “Stereo Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Based on Standing Gear-Shaped Resonant Structure With Wide-Incident-Angle Stability,” Frontiers in Physics, vol. 8, 2020.

[14]G. Deng, K. Lv, H. Sun, J. Yang*, Z. Yin, Y. Li, B. Chi, and X. Li, “An Ultrathin, Triple-Band Metamaterial Absorber with Wide-Incident-Angle Stability for Conformal Applications at X and Ku Frequency Band,” Nanoscale Res Lett, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 217, Nov 18, 2020.

[15]G. Deng, K. Lv, H. Sun, Y. Hong, X. Zhang, Z. Yin, Y. Li, and J. Yang*, “An ultra-wideband, polarization insensitive metamaterial absorber based on multiple resistive film layers with wide-incident-angle stability,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, pp. 1-9, 2020.

[16]J. Yang, P. Wang, T. Shi, S. Gao, H. Lu, Z. Yin, W. Lai, and G. Deng, “Electrically tunable liquid crystal terahertz device based on double-layer plasmonic metamaterial,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 19, pp. 27039, 2019.

[17]J. Yang, P. Wang, S. Gao, G. Deng, H. Lu, W. Lai, Z. Yin, Y. Li, and Y. Hu, “Tunable Terahertz Transmission Properties of Double-Layered Metal Hole-Loop Arrays Using Nematic Liquid Crystal,” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 276-287, March 01, 2019.

[18]J. Yang, K. Cai, G. Deng, Z. Yin, J. Ruan, F. Cai, and Y. Fang, “A staggered double-vane slow-wave structure with double sheet electron beams for 340GHz traveling wave tube,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1632-1643, 2019.

[19]J. Yang, T. Xia, S. Jing, G. Deng, H. Lu, Y. Fang, and Z. Yin, “Electrically Tunable Reflective Terahertz Phase Shifter Based on Liquid Crystal,” Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 439-446, May, 2018.

[20]J. Yang, C. Cai, Z. Yin, T. Xia, S. Jing, H. Lu, and G. Deng, “Reflective liquid crystal terahertz phase shifter with tuning range of over 360 degrees,” IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1466-1469, Jul 25, 2018.




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