姓名 | 常松涛 | |
职称 | 副研究员 | |
所属系 | 光电信息科学与工程系 | |
邮箱 | 2020800124@hfut.edu.cn | |
电话 | ||
个人简历 2020.12-至今,合肥工业大学,英国威廉希尔公司,副研究员 2015.07-2020.11,中国科学院,长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,副研究员 2010.09-2015.07,中国科学院大学,机械制造及其自动化,博士 2006.09-2010.07,中国科学技术大学,精密机械与精密仪器,学士 | ||
研究领域 光机系统设计 光电成像系统总体设计 荧光显微成像 红外辐射特性测量 | ||
开设课程 本科生课程《工程光学》 | ||
科研项目 合肥工业大学引进人才条件建设经费,2020/12-2025/12,主持 | ||
发表论文 (1)Songtao Chang; Zhou Li; Single-reference-based solution for two-point nonuniformity correction of infrared focal plane arrays, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019. (2)Songtao Chang; Yaoyu Zhang; Application of neutral-density filters to nonuniformity correction, Applied Optics, 2019. (3)Songtao Chang; Zhou Li; Calibration algorithm for cooled mid-infrared systems considering the influences of ambient temperature and integration time, Applied Optics, 2019. (4)Chang Songtao; Zhang Yaoyu; Sun Zhiyuan; Li Min; Method to remove the effect of ambient temperature on radiometric calibration, APPLIED OPTICS, 2014. (5)常松涛; 田棋杰; 何锋赟; 余毅; 李周; 基于球面反射温阑的红外探测器变f数设计, 物理学报, 2017. (6)常松涛; 孙志远; 张尧禹; 朱玮; 制冷型红外成像系统内部杂散辐射测量方法, 物理学报, 2015. (7)Qijie Tian; Songtao Chang; Fengyun He; Zhou Li; Yanfeng Qiao; Spherical warm shield design for infrared imaging systems, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2017. (8) Qijie Tian; Songtao Chang; Zhou Li; Fengyun He; Yanfeng Qiao; A method to measure internal stray radiation of cryogenic infrared imaging systems under various ambient temperatures, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2017. (9) Qijie Tian; Songtao Chang; Fengyun He; Zhou Li; Yanfeng Qiao; Internal stray radiation measurement for cryogenic infrared imaging systems using a spherical mirror, Applied Optics, 2017. (10)Zhiyuan Sun; Songtao Chang; Wei Zhu; Radiometric calibration method for large aperture infrared system with broad dynamic range, Applied Optics, 2015. | ||
专著教材 暂无 | ||
申请专利 申请专利6项,第一发明人3项 | ||
获奖成果 暂无 |