姓名张阳*职称副教授所属系测控技术及仪器邮箱yzhang0615@vip.163.com电话2147483647个人简历张阳,男,1979年6月出生,安徽省蚌埠市人。1997年9月-2001年6月,就读于合肥工业大学仪器仪表学院测控技术与仪器系,获工学学士;2001年9月-2004年4月,就读于合肥工业大学仪器仪表学院精密仪器与机械专业,获得工学硕士学位。2004年4月至今,于英国威廉希尔公司测控技术与仪器系任教。研究领域嵌入式系统、工业检测及控制系统、智能测试仪表等开设课程1.单片机原理及应用2.单片机接口技术3.嵌入式系统及应用科研项目1.2.发表论文1.2.专著教材1.《基于HCS12的嵌入式系统设计》,电子工业出版社,2010年1月,第二作者2.《MC9S12XS单片机原理及嵌入式系统开发》,电子工业出版社,2011年9月,第一作者申请专利1.2.获奖成果1.2." /> 英国威廉希尔公司_WilliamHill官网-中文网站


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姓    名杨永跃*
职    称副教授                                
邮    箱jamo.yang@163.com
电    话 
  • 个人简历

    Sept.1999--: Study for Ph.D degree in the School of Instrumentation of Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China Major: Image Analysis and Machine Vision Research on: Image Processing and Vision Measurement

    Sept.1985—Jun. 1988: Graduated from Dept. of Precision Instrumentation of Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China Major: Automatic Measurement

    Get:  M. S. degree Title of the thesis: A CG. System of wind turbine blades, 

    A torsional dynamometer for wind turbine.

    Sept. 1981-- Jun. 1985: Graduated from Dept. of Precision Instrumentation of Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China Major: Precision Instrument and Machinery Get:  B. S. degree

    Working Experience:

    Jun.1988—: Associate Professor, Dept. of Precision Instrumentation, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China.

  • 研究领域

    1. Research on image processing and analysis

    2. Research on pattern recognition of two-dimensional geometry figure.

    3. Research on vision measurement

    4. Research on three-dimensional surface reconstruction using CCD

    5. Program design for mechanical engineering 
  • 开设课程

    Machine Vision Measurement

  • 科研项目









    2012. 精密组装生产线的高速高精度视觉在线检测技术.

    2013. 扫描成像及复检显微成像单元开发与集成.

    2016. 玻璃基板自动光学检测工程样机扫描成像及复检显微成像单元开发.


  • 发表论文

    1.Yang Yongyue,Deng Shanxi, Detect System Printing Registration Deviation Online Use of Image processing Technology, Journal of Applied Science,2002.4,pp78-79

    2.Yang Yongyue,Deng Shanxi,Machine Vision for Wind Turbine Blades.ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA,Vol.24,No.2,2003,pp232-235

    3.Yang Yongyue,Deng Shanxi, Investigation on the Data Merger Technique For Vision Measuring System, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENT,Matriculated.

    4.Yang Yongyue,Deng Shanxi,Research on no shadow vision measurement for cragged surface, Mechanical Design, Matriculated. Vol.19,No.7,2002,43-45

    5.Yang Yongyue, Deng Shanxi. Auto-Optimum Measure Strategy For Cragged Surface Based On Computer Vision. 2ed International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology.  2002.08,2-556~559

    6.Yang Yongyue,Deng Shanxi, Vision Bionics and Stereo Vision Measurement,JOURNAL OF HEFEI UNIVERSITY ,Vol.24,No.6,2001,1029-1035

    7. Ren Xiaoxiao, Yang Yongyue, Deng Shanxi, Research on the Mathematical Model for Measuring Geometric Parameters on a Train Wheel Profile. 2ed International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology. 2002.08, 1-556~559

    8.Zhong Yi, Deng Shanxi, Yang Yongyue, Development of an Optical System for On-line Inspection of the Rail-wheel Trackside. 2ed International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology. 2002.08, 2-412~416

    9.Ding Xinghao,Deng Shanxi,Yang Yongyue,A method of removing image yawp based on Wavelet Package.JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENT,Matriculated.

    10.Wang Xunsi,Deng Shanxi,Yang Yongyue,A New Way of Plane Based Camera Calibration in Vision Measurement ,Journal of Applied Science,Matriculated.

    11.Yang Yongyue, Hardware Design of Inspection System To the High Temperature Metal Images, 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology,ISBN 7-5603-2056-2 (2004.08, Vol.1,1089-1094)

    12.Yang Yongyue, Investigation on the Data Merger Technique For Vision Measuring System, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENT, Vol.18,No.3,2004,8-12

    13.Yang Yongyue, Analyze the Thermal Deformation of Hi-Heat Train Wheels By Use of Limited Element, Journal of agricultural machinery, 2005.9,Vol.36,No.9,131-134

    14.Yang Yongyue, Analysis to System Errors of Hot Rolling Train Wheel Measuring, Journal of Applied Science, Vol.23 No.4,438-440

    15.Yang Yongyue, Image Process for High-Temperature Components Based on Laser Target Used in Vision Measurement, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENT,, Vol.19 No.6,41-44

    16.Yang Yongyue, Anamorphic Vision Image Corrected with Perspective Lines , Journal of Applied Science, Vol.24 No.6,627-632

    17.Yang Yongyue, An application of plane calibration for wheel detection , JOURNAL OF HEFEI UNIVERSITY , Vol.28 No.12,1533-1536

    18.Yang Yongyue, Thermal Vision Measurement Based on Mapping Transform, Proceedings of SPIE 2006.8 Vol.6280, 62803P1-P6

    19.Yang Yongyue, Analysis to System Errors of Hot Rolling Train Wheel Measuring, Journal of agricultural machinery, Vol.38,No.7,156-159

    20.Yang Yongyue, Online Measurement for Dimensions of Thermal Train-Wheel, 8th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments , 2007.9,Japan

    21.Yang Yongyue, Online Measurement for Dimensions of Thermal Train Wheel, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.381-382,133-136

    22.Yang Yongyue, Reading System for 2D Code Based on Machine Vision, 2009 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments,ISBN 978-1-4244-3864-8, Vol.4-462-465

    23.Yang Yongyue, Measurement of whole tile profile, 2010.8 6th International Symposiumon Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation  P6-24

    24.Yang Yongyue, On-line Detection for LED Module Based on Machine Vision, 7th International Symposium on Precision EngineeringMeasurement and Instrumentation P113 2011.8

    25.Yang Yongyue, Measurement and evaluation of the wearing condition of the tire tread. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 239-240(2013) PP816-820.

    26. Yudong Zhang ,Yang Yongyue, The least square optimization in image mosaic. 9th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation. ISPEMI2014.8

  • 专著教材
  • 申请专利
    发明专利:六爪双测位内径测量仪ZL20111012610.9 No.3
  • 获奖成果
